Freitag, 26. April 2013

Outlaw Di 23.04.2013


1) EMOM for 7 minutes:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Behind-the-Neck Push Presses @ 80%
  • Score: 1RM = 85 kg, no fails
*Notes: This should be completed as a complex. The bar should be lowered to the back rack after the Power Snatch, and the Push Presses should be performed with a Snatch grip.

2) EMOM for 7 minutes:
2 (touch and go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 70%
  • Score: 1RM = 115 kg, no fails


For time:
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
40 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
40 Box Jumps 24″
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
40 Ring Dips
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
40 KBS 32/24kg
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
  • Score: 18:39 min

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