Freitag, 31. August 2012

Outlaw 31.08.2012

BB Gymnastics


1) 7X1 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS as fast as possible – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 60 kg
Notes: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements. The OHS should be down and up for both reps without hesitation. Do not reset the feet after the Power Snatch. Perform the OHS with the feet in the exact position that you catch the Power Snatch. This is meant to penalize wide landings.
2) 7X1 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: nur 70 kg wegen Rücken
Notes: These should be UB reps, if you cannot perform them UB then lower the load.


5 rounds for total reps:
1 min AMRAP of:
5 Over the Box Jumps (down) 30/24″
10 KBS 32/24kg
5 Over the Box Jumps (back) 30/24″
5 Thrusters 135/95#
*Rest 1 minute after each round.
Notes: Over the Box Jumps should be performed with 5 boxes lined up in succession. Place the kettlebell on one end of the boxes, and the barbell on the other end.

  • Score: 20/23/22/22/23 reps


1a) 3X10 “Strict” Weighted GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)
  • Score: 5kg/5/5
1b) 3XME Hanging L-Hold – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 20/15/10s

M/F/S - 3/3/3

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Outlaw 29.08.2012


1) 10X1 Deadlifts @ 75-80% – rest 45 sec.
  • Score: 1 RM 160 kg
Notes: Do not go above 80%, but if 75% feels very light you may add up to 80%. Stick to the rest intervals and concentrate on being fast off the floor. We will be testing next week, so treat each lift as if it is a new 1RM.
2) Bench Press: 2X5 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80%, 3X2 @ 85% – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 1RM = 108 kg
Notes: These are not incline, they should be performed on a flat bench. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight that’s heavy, but stays fast throughout all sets.


1a) 3XME UB + 3 Muscle-Ups – rest 30 sec.
  • Score: (5/2-1) / (5/2-1) / (4/2-1)
1b) 3X3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – much heavier than last week, rest 30 sec.
  • Score: 50/50/50
1c) 3X20 UB KB Snatches (each arm) – heaviest possible (not lighter than last week), rest 30 sec.
  •  Score: 24/24/24
1d) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 30 sec.
  • Score: 10 kg/10/10
Notes: Notice the length of the rest intervals. DO NOT deviate from them. Muscle-Ups should be performed as a max effort unbroken set, then perform 3 more reps as fast as possible after finishing the UB set. If you cannot string together more than 3 reps UB, then perform another UB set before performing the extra 3 reps. If you cannot string reps together perform 7 reps as fast as possible.
 M/F/S - 4/5/2

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Outlaw 28.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 Vertical Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
  •  Score: 65kg no fails
2) 5X2 Vertical Clean off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
  •  Score 85kg no fails


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) 5X5 Back Squats @ 75% – rest 2 minutes.
  •  5RM 145 kg
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515. DO NOT go up from the number you are supposed to be working off of.
2) 3X5 Front Squats @ 77.5% (3 second pause on the 1st & 5th rep) – rest 90 seconds.
  •  1RM 132 kg


1 minute AMRAP of Jerks @ 225/150#
-then (no break)-
100 Burpees for time.
*Perform 1 Rope Climb @ 15′ EMOM beginning AFTER the first minute.
Notes: There is a 10 minute cap on this effort.
-then (no break)-
1 minute AMRAP of Jerks @ 225/150#
Score is total number of Jerks and total time for Burpees. 

  • Score: 
    • 15 Jerks @ 50 kg (so leicht wegen Rückenverletzung)
    • 20/10/12/11/10/12/10/15 - 7:53 min
    • 6 Jerks @ 50 kg
    • Total time: 9:53 min  

M/F/S - 4/5/2

Bonus (ca. 5 Min nach dem WOD): 1 x 400m all out: 1:15 min (ich könnte heulen)

Freitag, 24. August 2012

Outlaw 24.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 60/62/65/66/65f@HSnBlc/65/65
  • HSnBlc passt noch net so vom Catch her, zu hoch
Notes: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements.
2) 7X1 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 80 kg
  • keine Schmerzen bepm PJ wenn ich schmal starte und breiter landen
Notes: Hang should be just above the knees. These should be UB reps, if you cannot perform them UB then lower the load.



9 Muscle-Ups
Row 500m
40 Slapping Pushups
30 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
20 Stone to Shoulder 120/80#
30 Slapping Pushups
20 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
10 Stone to Shoulder
Row 500m
9 Muscle-Ups
  • Score: 29 min as rx'd
  • War eher für die Psyche als für die Intensität
Notes: KB Lunges should be performed with TWO KBs held overhead. Each step counts as 1 rep.


1a) 3X15 “Strict” GH Raise – rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)
  • Score: as rx'd
1b) 3XME L-Sit Hold – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 30s / 20s / 17s @ Ringe, mit 95% gestrekten Beinen (Bei 100% Krampf)
M/F/S - 5/6/2

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

Outlaw 22.08.2012


1a) 7X3 Banded Deadlifts @ 55% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 1RM = 160 kg, lila Band
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 55% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. These are not touch & go reps, each rep should stop completely on the ground. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this
1b) Bench Press: 2X3 @ 70%, 2X3 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%, 1X2 @ 85% – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 1RM = 108 kg
Notes: These are not incline, they should be performed on a flat bench. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight that’s heavy, but stays fast throughout all sets.


1a) 3XME UB Ring Dips – rest 30 sec.
  • Score:mit 10kg Gewichtweste 16/12/8 *gemischt, je nach Balance
1b) 3X15 UB KB Snatches (each arm) – heaviest possible, rest 30 sec.
  • Score: 3 x 24kg KB
1c) 3X5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – heavier than last week, rest 30 sec.
  • Score:50x3/48x4/45x5
1d) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – medium/heavy, rest 30 sec.
  • Score: mit 10 kg scheibe und Gürtel
Notes: Notice the length of the rest intervals. DO NOT deviate from them. If more than 20 UB Ring Dips are possible add some sort of weight or weight vest.
 M/F/S - 2/4/6

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Outlaw 21.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

2) 7X2 Vertical Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 65 kg, 1 fail


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) 5X2,2,2,1,1 Back Squats @ 100% – rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 3RM LBBS = 145 kg
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515.
2) 3X5 Front Squats @ 75% (3 second pause on the 1st & 5th rep) – rest 90 seconds.
  • Score: 1RM FS = 132 kg


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):
30 Double-Unders
10 Pullups
3 Ground to Overhead
Notes: The goal is to finish the effort having completed each round within the time limit, and to have done it with the heaviest possible weight on the bar. Do not use a weight so heavy that you will not be able to finish a round, but also do not underestimate. You may take weight off, but you MAY NOT add weight at any time. Score is the weight used for the final round.

  • Score: 5 + 42 reps
    • 1-3 @ 70 kg
    • 4-5+42 @ 60 kg
M/F/S - 3/3/2

Montag, 20. August 2012

Outlaw 20.08.2012

We are coming to the close of our current cycle. You will notice that I’ll be changing the order of a few of the days, and adding a few new movements this week. We will have a testing week, as well as, a de-load period coming up in the very near future (no, I won’t say exactly when). I am VERY happy with the results we’ve gotten so far—especially from the squats—and will likely be publishing the full 12 week cycle in template form.

BB Gymnastics

1) 1 Snatch (from floor) + 1 Hang Snatch (just above knees) EMOM for 7 minutes @ 85% then rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 1RM 80 kg, 1 fail @ one Snatch
Notes: These reps should be performed unbroken. If this is absolutely not possible, then the bar may be dropped after the full snatch, but the goal is to not put the bar down between reps.
2) Perform single Snatches (no hang) @ 90%, 95%, and 90%. Rest at least 2 minutes between reps and allow for no more than 3 misses total.
  • Score: no fails
3)  1 Clean (from floor) + 1 Hang Clean (just above knees) + 1 Jerk (after the Hang Clean) EMOM for 7 minutes @ 80% then rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 1 RM 107 kg, no fails
Notes: These reps should be performed unbroken. If this is absolutely not possible, then the bar may be dropped after the full snatch, but the goal is to not put the bar down between reps.
4) Perform Clean & Jerks (no hang) 3X1 @ 90%. Rest at least 2 minutes between reps and allow for no more than 3 misses total.
  • Score: no fails



1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 15/17,5/17,5
Notes: Use a weight that allows for at least 3-4 UB Pullups. These should not be all singles, but a few breaks are acceptable. If the total set takes more than 30 seconds then lower the weight.
1b) 3X8 Shoulder Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 45/50/50


Run, Swim or Cycle for 20 minutes (choose one, preferably your weakest).
*Post distance to comments. This should be a high level effort. Don’t do it just to do it, this is a valuable data point.
  • No Conditioning
M/F/S - 2/4/2

Samstag, 18. August 2012

Outlaw 18.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
  • Score: 75 kg, 3 x fail x 81 kg
2) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.
  • Score: 107 kg PR! (+2kg)


15 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat.
  • Score: 132 kg
Notes: These should be at absolute rock-bottom depth. DO NOT stop at just parallel to score a big number. Go to absolute bottom to score a true number.

12 minute AMRAP of:
11 Pause Pullups
8 Behind the Neck Push Jerks 185/120# (racks may be used)
18 Pistols (alternating)
  • MOD: 8 Min AMRAP
  • Score: 2 + 15 @ 72 kg
Notes: Pause Pullups are pull-ups performed with a 3 second pause while holding the chin over the bar. If the chin does not remain over the bar for a full 3 seconds, the reps does not count. If there is debate on how long 3 seconds is, set up a clock within clear view of the pull-up bar and literally watch the 3 seconds count off. These may be any grip and kipping is allowed.
M/F/S - 4/5/2

Freitag, 17. August 2012

Outlaw 17.08.2012


1a) 7X3 Banded Deadlifts @ 50% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 1 RM 160 kg, 
  • Set Up: 1 lila Band
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 50% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. These are not touch & go reps, each rep should stop completely on the ground. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this
1b) 7X3 Bench Press @ 70%, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 1RM 108 kg
Notes: These are not incline, they should be performed on a flat bench. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight that’s heavy, but stays fast throughout all sets.


7 rounds for total working time:
100m Shuttle Run (10m sections)
20 HR Pushups
10 Hang Squat Clean to Thrusters @ 115/75#
*Rest 1:1
  •  Score: 2:14/2:18/2:27/2:20/2:37/2:44/2:35


1a) 3X10 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heavy, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)
  • Set Up: 5 kg Bumper, unterer Bumperrand an Hüfte
1b) 3XME L-Sit Hold – rest 60 sec.
  • Set Up: 2 Holzgriffe auf jeweils 1 20kg Bumper, Beine angezogen
  • Score: 20/35/33
M/F/S - 3/4/2

Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

Outlaw 15.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 60 kg
Notes: Hang position should be just above the knee. These should be touch & go reps.
2) 7X1 2 Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score:85 kg
Notes: Power Cleans should be touch & go.



1a) 3XME Muscle-Ups – rest 45 sec.

  •  Score: 2/2/0

1b) 3XME  Double Arm KB Snatches @ 24/16kg – rest 45 sec.
  •  Score: 8/7/6
1c) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – very heavy, rest 45 sec.
  •  Score:w/ GM 10/15/15
1d) 3X5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec.
  •  Score: 46/47/47

M/F/S - 2/3/2

Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Outlaw 14.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X1 Snatch off High Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
  •  Score: 70 kg

2) 5X1 Clean off High Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
  •  Score: 90 kg



*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) 5X1 Back Squats @ 100% – rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 3RM 145 kg
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515.
2) 3X5 Front Squats – heaviest possible, rest 90 seconds.
  • Score: 100/105/108


3 rounds for time of:
10 2 Box Lateral Box Jumps 20″
15 HSPU (regionals standard)
Row 250m
  • Score: 11:20 min
M/F/S - 2/3/2

Montag, 13. August 2012

Outlaw 13.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 85%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 95% (3 attempts only)
  • Score: 1 RM 80 kg (11.08.2012), 95% im ersten Versuch gestanden
2) Clean & Jerk: 2 reps EMOM for 7 minutes @ 82%, then rest 2 minutes and perform 1 rep @ 92% (3 attempts only)
  •  Score: 1 RM 105 kg (11.08.2012), 95% im ersten Versuch gestanden
Notes: These DO NOT need to be touch & go reps. You may reset after each lift, but do not take a full rest break.


1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 60/65/65

1b) 3X3 Flat Footed Clean Hi-Pulls (straps are suggested) – heavy, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 50/60/60
Notes: For 1a, one rep would involve 1 SN Grip PP + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS, that sequence should be completed three times each set.


12 minute AMRAP of:
50 Double-Unders
7 Burpees
*Add 7 Burpees every round (Rd. 2-14 Burpees, Rd. 3-21 Burpees, etc).
  • Score: 50/7 - 50/14 - 50/21 - 50/28 - 50/35 - 16/0 *schwereres Seil
M/F/S - 2/4/2

KW 32 - RPM


Press 44kgx5x3
Paused FS  50kgx2x5  (5sec)
PRow 50kgx5x3


Bench 65kgx5x5
Snatch 50, 52.5,55, 57.5, 60
C+J 67.5kgx1x6
RDL 65kgx5x3


BS 70,75, 80 (5 reps)
Deadlift up to 120kg


C+J up to 77kg
Hang Snatch up to 55kg
row 500m, rest 1min, row 500m: 1:44, 1:48

Samstag, 11. August 2012

Outlaw 11.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
  • Score; 80 kg PR!
2) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.
  •  Score: C&J 105 kg PR!
  • Score: 107 kg Clean PR!

EMOM for 7 minutes:
2,2,2,1,1,1,1 HBBS @ 90%
  • as rx'd, 130 kg (LBBS 1RM 160 kg)
Notes: If you do not know your 1RM HBBS, then base off of 90% of your Low Bar BS.
M/F/S - 2/5/2 

No WOD, because it hate the f***ing chippers!

Freitag, 10. August 2012

Outlaw 10.08.2012


1a) 10X1 3″ Deficit Deadlifts @ 85% – rest 60 secement puts significant pressure on your low back, you may use a shorter riser.
  • Set Up: 2 Pferdematten ~6cm
  • Score: 1RM DL = 160 kg
1b) 10X1 Incline Bench Press (30-35˚) @ 105% – rest 60 sec.
  •  Score 90 kg (% off of 85 kg)
Notes: This percentage is based off the heaviest completed set from 120803.


3 rounds for time of:
8 Hang Snatch (full squat) 155/105#
23 C2B Pullups
32 Single Arm BB OH Walking Lunges  75/55#
*There is a 15 minute time cap.
  • MOD: r1 60 kg HSqSn/ 30 kg BBOHWL; r2 60 kg HSqSn/ 25 kg BBOHWL
  • Score: 2 + 5
Notes: Single Arm Lunges should be apportioned with 16 steps taken while the BB is held with the left arm, and 16 steps taken while the BB is held with the right arm.


1a) 3X10 “Strict” Weighted GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)
  • Score: as rx'd without weight nächstes mal aber mit Gewicht
 1b) 3X20 UB GHD Situps – rest 60 sec.
  • as rx'd
M/F/S - 2/2/2

Mittwoch, 8. August 2012

Outlaw 08.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 2 3-Stop Snatch Pulls + 1 Power Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 60 kg
Notes: To be clear, this is two reps of a 3-Stop-Snatch-Pull ONLY, then 1 Power Snatch with no stops.
2) 7X1 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).
  • Score: 80/80/80/83/83/83/85


1a) 3XME Strict Pullups – any grip, rest 45 sec.
  •  Score: 22 PR /12/11
1b) 3XME Deficit HSPU 6/4″ – kipping is allowed, rest 45 sec.
  • SetUp: 1x ABMAT, 2x20kg, 1x10kg ea
  • Score: all w/ kip, 7/6/5
1c) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 45 sec.
  •  mit 2 Gewichtsmanschetten
  •  Score: as rx'd
1d) 3X5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
  •  Score: 40/45/45
M/F/S - 3/5/6

Dienstag, 7. August 2012

Outlaw 07.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 Snatch off High Boxes (just above knee) – heavy, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 65/65/60/70/70
2) 5X2 Clean off High Boxes (just above knee) – heavy, rest 60 sec.
  •  Score: 85/85/90/90/90


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) 4X8 Back Squats @ 80% – rest 2 minutes.
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515.
  • Score: as rx'd, 3RM = 145 kg
2) 5X2 Pause Front Squats – heavy (5 sec. pause in the hole), rest 90 seconds.
  •  Score: 100/90/95/95/95


20 minute AMRAP of:
100′ Prowler Push 165/125# (50′ high handles/50′ low handles)
5 Rope Climbs 15′
  •  Score: U Go I Go mit Alex: 4 Runden
Notes: A typical Prowler weighs 75#. The weights listed are with a set of 45# plates added for men, and a set of 25# plates added for women. The total Prowler weight, including the Prowler, is what’s listed above. The pushes should be performed on asphalt, not turf or any other surface that allows for less friction.
M/F/S - 4/5/2

Montag, 6. August 2012

Outlaw 06.08.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) Snatch: 3X2@75%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@85%, 2X2@90%, 3X1@90%, 2X2@80% – rest 30-60 seconds.
  • Score: 1 RM 75 kg, 2 missed lifts somewhere
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X2@70%, 1X2@75%, 1X2@ 80%, 2X2@85%, 3X1@85%, 2X2@75% – rest 30-60 seconds.
  •  Score: 1 RM 100 kg
Notes: The sets of two reps DO NOT need to be touch & go reps. You may reset after each lift, but do not take a full rest break.


1a) 3X3 1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 70/75/77
1b) 3X5 Flat Footed Hang Clean Hi-Pulls (straps are suggested) – heavy, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 55/55/60
Notes: For 1a, one rep would involve 1 SN Grip PP + 2 OHS, that sequence should be completed three times each set.


1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
-rest 1 minute
8 minute AMRAP of:
16 Alternating KB Snatches 24/16kg
12 KB Thrusters 24/16kg
8 Burpee Over Hurdles 30/26″
-rest 1 minute
1 minute ME Slapping Pushups
For total reps.

  • Score: 16/1+32/17
Notes: The Pushups should be performed like “Clapping Pushups”, but with both hands slapping the chest instead. For both KB movements, two KBs should be used. PLEASE WATCH the demo video even if you have done Alternating Snatches before (each Snatch counts for one rep). The Burpees should be performed like the bar-facing version, but the jump should be over a hurdle at the listed height.

M/F/S - 2/2/2

Sonntag, 5. August 2012

KW 31 - RPM


- C+J heavy single 74kg
- Snatch 50kg x 1 x 7
- weighted planks


- Press 42kg x 5 x 3
- Squat 70kg x 5 x 3
- Pendlay Row 60kg x 5 x 5


- Rest


- Snatch heavy single 54kg
- C+J 65kg x 1 x 10


- Bench x 62,5kg x 5 x 5
- Front Squat 70kg x 3 x 7
- RDL 60kg x 5 x 5


- Ring skill work
- tucked back lever
- strict MU w/ band


(Vorgezogener Montag)
- C+J heavy single 76kg
- Snatch 52kg x 1 x 7
- w planks 15kg 54sec, 29sec