Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

Outlaw Mo 05.08.2013


1) 15 minutes to find a 3RM Hang Snatch (top of knee) – these should be UB, do not drop the BB between reps.
  • 75 kg 
  • 80 kg x 2
2) 3×3 @ 95% of Max from above – rest 90 plus seconds.
  • 72 kg/72/72
3a) 4X3 Snatch High Pulls @ 110% of Max Snatch – rest 60 sec.
  • 1 RM = 85 kg
  • weniger genommen: 90 kg /90/90/90
3b) 4X 45 sec. Bench Row Holds (use KB or DB in each hand, hold at finish of concentric contraction with chest on bench) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • MOD: Pendlay Row BB Holds: 20kg (empty bar)/20/20/20


5 rounds for total time (of runs) and reps:
Run 400m (all out)
ME UB Muscle-Ups
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
  • 3/4/3/2/5
*Notes: There should be zero rest at the finish of each run. Each run effort should be all out, and at the finish of each run there should be no wait or rest before beginning each ME set of Muscle-Ups. Chalk your hands BEFORE you begin the 400m run.

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