Montag, 20. August 2012

Outlaw 20.08.2012

We are coming to the close of our current cycle. You will notice that I’ll be changing the order of a few of the days, and adding a few new movements this week. We will have a testing week, as well as, a de-load period coming up in the very near future (no, I won’t say exactly when). I am VERY happy with the results we’ve gotten so far—especially from the squats—and will likely be publishing the full 12 week cycle in template form.

BB Gymnastics

1) 1 Snatch (from floor) + 1 Hang Snatch (just above knees) EMOM for 7 minutes @ 85% then rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 1RM 80 kg, 1 fail @ one Snatch
Notes: These reps should be performed unbroken. If this is absolutely not possible, then the bar may be dropped after the full snatch, but the goal is to not put the bar down between reps.
2) Perform single Snatches (no hang) @ 90%, 95%, and 90%. Rest at least 2 minutes between reps and allow for no more than 3 misses total.
  • Score: no fails
3)  1 Clean (from floor) + 1 Hang Clean (just above knees) + 1 Jerk (after the Hang Clean) EMOM for 7 minutes @ 80% then rest 2 minutes.
  • Score: 1 RM 107 kg, no fails
Notes: These reps should be performed unbroken. If this is absolutely not possible, then the bar may be dropped after the full snatch, but the goal is to not put the bar down between reps.
4) Perform Clean & Jerks (no hang) 3X1 @ 90%. Rest at least 2 minutes between reps and allow for no more than 3 misses total.
  • Score: no fails



1a) 3X8 Weighted Strict Pullups – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 15/17,5/17,5
Notes: Use a weight that allows for at least 3-4 UB Pullups. These should not be all singles, but a few breaks are acceptable. If the total set takes more than 30 seconds then lower the weight.
1b) 3X8 Shoulder Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 45/50/50


Run, Swim or Cycle for 20 minutes (choose one, preferably your weakest).
*Post distance to comments. This should be a high level effort. Don’t do it just to do it, this is a valuable data point.
  • No Conditioning
M/F/S - 2/4/2

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