Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Outlaw 24.07.2012

BB Gymnastics


1) 5X2 Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but clean, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 65 kg *nicht ganz so tolle Technik. Ich springe immer noch nach vorne!!
2) 5X2 Cleans + 1 Split Jerk off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but clean, rest 60 sec.
  • Score: 80 kg


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) Back Squat: EMOM for 7 minutes – 2 reps @ 90%
  • Score: 131 kg
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515
2) 5X3 Front Squats (1st rep pause) – near heaviest possible, rest 90 seconds.
  • Score: 100/100/105/105/105
Notes: The first rep of each set should have a 5 count (second) pause in the absolute bottom position. When you stand, DO NOT bounce to initiate out of the bottom.


For time:
Row 500m (ALL OUT – do not pace knowing more work is coming) 1:30:8 min
-rest 1 minute-
30 KB Snatches 32/24kg
-rest 1 minute-
Row 1000m 3:40:x min
-rest 1 minute-
50 KB Snatches 32/24kg
  • Score: 12:17 min @ 24 kg KB
Notes: KB Snatches are total reps of both arms and may apportioned in any manner.
 M/F/S - 2/4/2

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