Samstag, 16. Juni 2012

Outlaw 16.06.2012

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 Snatch off High Blocks – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed
2) 7X1 Clean off High Blocks – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed

1) Score: 60 kg
2) Score: 90 kg



7X3 High Bar Back Squat @ 70-80% – rest 90 sec.
Notes: Increase load every set. Percentage is based off 1RM HBBS or 90% of 1RM LBBS.
Score: 98/100/102/104/106/108/110/112 1RM LBBS 150kg



5 rounds for total run time and total reps of:
Sprint 200m
ME UB Thrusters @ 155/105#
Rest 1:1
Notes: ME = Max Effort. UB = Unbroken. Now don’t fucking ask again. Take no more than 15 sec. after the run to pick up the barbell. Once the barbell is in the front rack the set begins. The goal is do do as many reps as possible, each round, without dropping the bar. Once the BB drop below the front rack the set is over. Resting in the front rack or overhead is acceptable, anything or anywhere else is not.
 Score: no time; 7/6/5/7/4 @ 60 kg

M/F/S - 6/5/3

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