Dienstag, 3. April 2012

Outlaw 03.04.2012

BB Gymnastics
*For both lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk), perform one set at each percentage. After 80%, try to increase the weight for 3 more sets. You may to a max effort if everything feels good.
1) Power Snatch + Snatch (full squat): 1X70%, 1X75%, 1X80%, + 3 – rest 75 sec.
Score: 56/60/64; Set 04 - 06 just Snatch attempts: 67/70/75

Outlaw20120403_01 from Il Ge on Vimeo.

Notes: These are single reps and DO NOT have to be touch and go. One rep would be 1 Power Snatch AND 1 Snatch.
2) Power Clean + Push Jerk: 1X70%, 1X75%, 1X80%, + 3 – rest 75 sec.
Score: 67/72/76/85/90/95

Outlaw20120403_02 from Il Ge on Vimeo.

Like KStar used to say: You can't hide who you are.....
For time:
30 Box Jumps 30/26″
20 Deadlifts 315/205#
30 T2B
20 DB Push Press 50/35#
30 GHD Situps
20 Row for Calories
30 Alternating Weighted Pistols 25/15# (DB)
20 Burpee Box Jumps 30/26″
Score: 17:08 min*
*DL @ 120 kg (65%), PP @ 24kg KB, Pistols without weight and on box
M/F/S - 2/4/2

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